Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Planning Netherlands -1-

I love the ideea of spannungsbogen described by Frank Herbert in Dune: “…spannungsbogen –(..)is the self-imposed delay between desire for a thing and the act of reaching out to grasp that thing”. Starting from this definition I can say that in generaly we spend our lives from a spannungsbogen to another.The problem is that our delay is almost never self-imposed but society-imposed, or more corectly said,
survival-imposed. We need to carry out our lives as society tells us because this became survival nowadays. But it feels great when we see in front of us a short moment of escaping our daily society-imposed lives. So we plan our escape with delight and fear in the same time. The delightment comes from imagining every moment of our getaway in a bit exagerated way and the fear, like many of our fears, comes from the ideea that we will fail in fullfiling our desires. But things take time and time is our enemy when it comes to spannungsbogen.
And we wake up every morning happy that we are closer to our dream but we run like always from a place to another, from a feeling to another.Still we keep our desires somewhere on a treshold, waiting for us to let go of them, burning in us like little candles.

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